Thursday 18 February 2010

Q5. How do you attract/ address your audience?

I researched main ways to attract our target audience and decided that the three best ways to attract audiences would be cinema, internet, Viral Marketing and televisions. Viral Marketing/ Advertising is a technique used to increase awareness of a brand or product, it is usually found through out social networking websites but is not limited to them. I decided on these four because they are the things that attract and grab attention, most of those who are aged fifteen have access to internet, money to go to the cinema (Trailers for the film), Viral Marketing and television daily. During a screening, we allowed our target audience to watch our media production. After viewing our product we gave out questionnaire's (deciding collectively that this was an effective way to get audience feedback) and then took them back in. Traits within our product that were commented on were the uniqueness of our film, many members of the audience complimented the transition from the real world into the fantasy world, the development of the characters that were introduced and the fact that the fantasy world in itself wasn't the typical presentation of another world (It wasn't glamorous but gritty). Most members understood our product and said that the genre of our product was made clear very quickly, they believed that it stuck to conventions and interestingly enough, bent some of them. Mostly, our audience feedback was positive.
Personally and in comparison to the audience feedback we received, I believe that we were mostly successful in reaching our target audience. I believe this because of the feedback we received, if we had not been successful then our feedback would not have been as positive as it was. My group are reasonably close to the audience we were targeting, due to our close age group we have similarities in what we like and so were able to cater better for our audience.

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